Friday, May 25, 2012

Does that mean a lot to you?

Hello! I'm blogging at this time, 11:46pm, because me is wide awake now. I am super energetic now, I don't know why. Since I have nothing to do, so I signed in to blogger, trying to type something, see whether there's anything for me to blog for.

Oh ya, I would like to say, from now on, I guess my blog post will most probably be tones of words. Lazy girl like me is lazy to take pictures using my camera nowadays because the process of uploading the pictures from the camera to the computer is a long and suffering process. hahaha! what a reason! yeah, but that's my reason. blog will be dull, you can leave or never come back to my blog if you don't like to see posts with full of words. ohh ya, the other reason I don't want to post picture here is because I have no nice picture to share. I'm not a photographer, I can't shoot beautiful things. I'm not pretty, the outcome of the pictures of me is pointless to share. LOL!!

Today, I tweeted about "No matter how, once you criticise my parents, you'll automatically be in my blacklist."
Hell yeah, I do really mean that, ok?
1-2 weeks ago (I forgot how long time ago), I had a conversation with somebody which the way she talked offended me. I don't want to tell the whole convo here, because.....erm...nothing, I just don't want to tell people publicly over here.
We talked about some r/ship stuff (just so you know, r/ship stuff can be about boy-girl r/ship, homo r/ship, friendship, parent-child r/ship, teacher-student r/ship and whatever), and I just told her about my parents' thought in this kind of issue. My parents' point of view is different from her. Maybe you can say my parents are conservative or whatever, but everyone has their own way of thinking, right? Then she straight away said:" can your parents think that way? It's wrong, you know?? ...................................."
Holyshitwtfwthgoddamnshit-what are you talking about, girl?
You commented on my parents!!!!!!!!!! wtfwth!!
Ok, I admit that I don't agree with the way my parents think.....even me myself never commented anything on it, and you don't know with what kind of thought commented/crictise my parents! wtf!
I don't even dare to comment/criticise anything and you commented about my parents in front of me???
How dare you????
You just said the way my parents think is WRONG!
oh crap, the thing I can't the stand the most is when I heard whoever criticise my parents in front of me! uggghhhh!

Ok, I'm gonna stop complaining here. If not, I'm gonna write a lot here.
nevermind la, just forget it la... hmmm.. :)

I don't know whether is that really mean a lot to you. But I just hope you are doing well in everything.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

After so long...

Oh hi! I'm back here to blog. *ugghhh, you don't say* LOL!
Hmm..I just got the mood to blog suddenly. So let me blog when I still have the mood to blog now.
Looking at my last blog post, ouuhh well, it was in Oct 2011. It has been 7 months that I didn't blog.
Boooo-yahhh, lots of things happened during these 7 months. Well, it's also impossible for me to tell you everything. Nahhh..I'm just gonna simply crap here. :DD

It's the year 2012 already. I have completed my foundation in Jan 2012. It's May now. I have started my degree in Feb and my finals will be in June, which means one more month to go. Hmm...seriously, honestly, degree life is hectic. It's a totally different thing from the foundation. I still remember how did I suffer, struggle with the assignment last month, where every assignment's due date and tests were almost the same time. They could even fall in the same week or same day! Remember, this is only the first sem, 4 subjects. For the coming 2 years, 5 more coming semesters, and probably will have 5 subjects in one sem in the future, I can't imagine how am I gonna survive with all these stuffs! 
Ugghh, this is life. We have to accept it, face it, and go through it. True story of life, I should say. :]

It's the third week of May. May is gonna end soon, June is coming up soon. time a ROCKET. -.- was a tough week for me for the past few weeks. It was not tough that I had a lot of assignments, but there were lots of things happened. I overthink and overthink until I didn't sleep well, had nightmares, sleepy for the whole day, energetic for the whole night, couldn't concentrate while driving, and etc. This lasted one whole week on me, ok??!! 
Haihhh..I don't know why I think so much. This has no point but only making myself suffer. Oh ya, this is mood swing, but NOT hormone imbalance, ok??!! I can just be emo, sensitive and get mood swing anytime, anyway, anywhere. Just so you know. hahaha!
Anyway, I have gone through it and I am just trying to not let myself to think too much again, AGAIN.

Lastly, I'm glad to have met all these nice people around me lately. They are being so nice to me. I'm thankful for meeting you all in my life. Thank you thank you! I'll be extra nice to you all too! ^_^
Why am I suddenly saying like this? Hmmm..thinking back to the past, I seriously feel I have met a lot of nice ones around me. Thanks for having these opportunities to meet you all. I should appreciate it and say it out before it's too late, right? :)

*Jenice and I were trying to be smexy in the picture. LOLOLOLOL! how perasan! :P*

Finally, they have admitted. It's so good after telling each other right? No matter how, she is glad to have met him. They probably had no idea that they can be so close like now before that. It's fate, it's the fate that make them meet each other. How far and how long will they go? They probably have no idea. Again, let fate decides it. The right timing will come, trust me. :)