Tuesday, March 30, 2010

sorry for the late post ya. hehe.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

happened so many things this week. this is what i wanna blog today.

wish me good luck for the coming days n weeks n months. =)

Friday, March 26, 2010

people are so sick nowadays

my brother's bag was lost in school today. funny right? weird right?
actually the thing happened like this. he was supposed to go to his football school team practise right after the assembly. unfortunately, he had stomach pain badly till he could not walk and could not take his bag along. so, he put his bag beside the corridor which is nearby the PBSM room. after that, he went to PBSM room to apply *feng you*. but it seemed no use for him, so the teacher asked him to go back home. and he called my dad to take him home. when my dad came and ready to bring him home, he found his bag was actually put in the corridor was LOST!!! he went to report at the discipline room by tahan the pain.
actually my bro would like to go see the doctor first and then come back to skul gain. but the discipline teachers were not allow. so they checked the cctv. *dont forget my bro had stomach pain badly* through the TV, they reli saw a boy stole his bag. the boy took away my bro's bag and shoebag with his football shoes inside like his own bag. WTH!!! what a cheap bag stealer. there was ntg worthy inside, weeiiihhh. i can understand how my bro feel when he saw there was reli someone took away his bag and he doesnt know who took and where it had gone. i think i may burst out tears. after that, the discipline teachers said they will solve this case.

the second day, in the assembly, the discipline teachers said that it was my bro's fault for not taking care of his property. DENG!! my bro is not purposely want his bag to loss de lor. u think he wants his bag lost de meh? useless. tsk tsk

the whole bag lost made him lost some text books, his exercise book, there was a chinese exercise book with the noter from form 1 till form 3. his pencil case lost made him feel the most sam tong. cos there was a keychain that i bought from korea, he loves it alot. because it can blink by solar power one. a very special key chain.

wish this case is solved soon. =)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

school gonna open tomorrow, it means today is the last day of school holiday.
haizz...feel so not to go school tomorrow. how? when school gonna start soon, i always got that feeling.
tomorrow going to school, fun is to meet up with friends, sad is i cant stand the boredness in school. everyday the same schedule, same lesson. bored. teachers teach so bored.
fine...dont wanna say some emo thingy here. later ppl say my blog is saddening then not good larh. =P

ok la, let's enjoy the school tomorow. =D

Friday, March 19, 2010

happy birthday to amy!!!!
wished her at 12am sharp but im not the 1st who wished her. her boyf was the 1st. suan la..let him win ba. LOL. as long as i wished her, den it's ok edi. =)
she is my classmate since form 4 and we know each other before form 4 but we were not so close that time. we are getting closer in form 4 after telling the truth to each other and the misunderstood between us were settled. friends should trust each other, no lies between us.
and...yeah..thanks for being my best friend ya. hope we can still share secrets in the future.
lastly, thanks for being my hyper and sampat partner in class. XD
wish u happy always ya. <3

this is the b'day girl. =)

Monday, March 15, 2010

haizzz..today is school holiday. no where to go, nothing to do.

my lil bro's frens came to do their project. after done, they played. u know, boys are like that. =)

tmr will go sunway with feng jie. in the end, my lil bro is not going. at first, he is going thr with his classmates, 16 ppl. u can imagine how big group are them and they are only 12-year-old-kids, ok. easily kidnapped, dangerous. tsktsk. maybe most of them cannot go, so their outing is cancelled due to i-dont-know-what-reason. well, i will enjoy my day tmr.

nothing to say here already so i just upload photos. the photos were taken for school magazine class page, finally he uploaded on facebook. some were taken in class party.


cute right? *i know i am perasan* that is feng jie's specs. does it suit me? =P

yeah!! i love this photo muchhh that taken with qi yan. =)


the girls.

my lovely classmates. <3>
love the 2 photos that we took together. friendship forever.
p/s: the photos that taken for class page were using DSLR camera. canggih~~ LOL.
-happy holiday-

Saturday, March 13, 2010

went to the edufair@midvalley with jenice. started at 11am, reached there at 10.30am. den walked around to pass the time. went momoe and wild chanel to look around. ntg much too. just played around with the cap. haha.
the edufair started punctually and it was crowded. just at the entrance, got alot of things. waaoo.
walked around and got some useful informations from some booth.
interested to the new era college---its media course and RISM or reliance---their touralism and hospitality course.
met quite some friends there. saw jagger with his frens---jesse, adam who i know from fb and i-duno-who-boy. met lohzhicheng and shiqi. =)
met quite a number of handsome boys too. haha. some weirdo too. XD

i think i got to think of my future carefully. =)

Friday, March 12, 2010

exam ends, finally. wooohoooo!!!!
and this means holiday starts!!! yyooooo!!!
at first, the exam will end on thurs. due to spm was released on thur, so the bio paper was postponed to fri. there was only 1 paper on fri. haizzz...
as usual, i still duno how to do. although there was one day more for me to study, no use one.
actually, it is bcos im SUCKS at these 3 subjects. no matter how much effort i had put, they are still SUCKS. so, this makes me getting lesser interest to 3 science subjects. =/

ok, dont talk about exam anymore. im gonna have fun during this holidayyyy!! =D

p/s: my camera cannot function. how am i going to finish my moral project? =/

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


seee!! what i've got??!!!
i got a lee min ho's file from feng jie!! wahahaha. so happy!!
feng jie got it when she went to taiwan last year. she bought etude house's product den got the file lo. haha.
jealous kan? XD
i am attracted to his lovely smile. =)

it is NOT FOR SALE!! =D

Monday, March 1, 2010

thanks for telling me the truth. finally i know why after 3 years. im fine right now. accept it in peace. =)

hhuuuu...it's the last day of feb. time past so fast weeiii. must appreciate the time being with my loved one, including my family and frens. dont know what will happen in future. so appreciate what u have now.